Burakovsky Releases an Emotional Statement Towards His Family

Hunter Bowman
October 7, 2023  (8:17 PM)

Andre Burakovsky sees tattoos as a canvas for life's most significant moments and influences. While his ink collection may appear modest, each tattoo he chooses carries profound meaning.

"Every tattoo I do, I want it to be meaningful," Burakovsky emphasizes. "I want everything to reflect on something that I've been a part of or something that I fight for, believe in. I want everything on me to stand for something."

Despite the gravity of his tattoo choices, Burakovsky doesn't take the process too seriously. In June 2018, after the Washington Capitals clinched their first Stanley Cup, Burakovsky and a group of teammates decided to commemorate the historic victory.
Capitals goaltender Braden Holtby had a connection to a tattoo artist, leading them to Tattoo Paradise in Adams Morgan.
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"Braden Holtby had a guy that he knew," Burakovsky explains. "So, we all went in there. We had a good day and we wanted to get it done."

Each player chose different designs, reflecting their individual personalities. Burakovsky opted for a block of text on his left forearm. At the top, in elegant script, he immortalized the date and the Capitals' Cup win.
To complete the artwork, he added his family's birthdates, a heartfelt tribute to his mother, father, and sisters.
But the story doesn't end there. Burakovsky secured a second Stanley Cup win in 2022 with the Colorado Avalanche, hinting at another tattoo to commemorate the achievement, likely in text form as he prefers it over an outline of the Cup.
However, the most personal ink on the horizon honors his late grandfather, Benny Burakovsky, a renowned hockey coach in Sweden who played an instrumental role in Andre's development.
Despite never coaching his grandson on a team, Benny's unwavering support and high expectations left a lasting impact. Unfortunately, he passed away 15 years ago, missing out on Andre's NHL career.
Burakovsky is on a mission to collect any sayings or speeches from his grandfather's coaching days, planning to incorporate them into a tattoo as a heartfelt tribute.
This deeply personal ink will serve as a permanent reminder of Benny's influence on his hockey journey.
While Burakovsky appreciates tattoos as an art form, for him, they must always bear meaning.
"I like tattoos," he asserts, "I want them to mean something. I don't want to just draw anything like some people do. I want it to be meaningful."

Source: NHL
Burakovsky Releases an Emotional Statement Towards His Family

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